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Google Apps脚本日历授权要求循环

更新时间:2023-12-05 21:10:46


Try to revoke authorizations and re-authorize the script, sometimes it solves the problem.

  1. 您收到一封邮件告诉您授权此应用程式,这封邮件有一个自动解除安装功能的连结应用由其他人或您的其他帐户撰写

  2. 您知道脚本的名称,并且没有这么多脚本,请转到您的Google个人资料/安全/撤销权限,有一个列出您授权的所有脚本和每个脚本卸载的按钮。

  3. (是的,我知道我说2)使用您的脚本的url如下所示:

  1. You have received a mail telling you you authorized this app, this mail has a link to an automatic uninstall feature (but this is when the app is written by someone else or another of your accounts
  2. You know the name of the script and you don't have so much scripts, go to your Google profile/security/revoke access , there is a list of all the scripts you authorized and a button for each of them to uninstall.
  3. (Yes I know I said 2 :) use the url of your script which is something like below :

https://script.google.com/macros/d/ MZMgUL88c4hd6qj_G2Y7-rKtIT_UhbT9n /编辑UIV = 2及?TZ =欧洲/布鲁塞尔和放大器; docTitle =测试+申通快递和放大器; CSID = tAeLIRLHehPkQGfa6zUYzpg.11577354092571548890.6605670643166911759&安培;中端= ACjPJvG-INu6kmfFfm649tuH-6KYNVpaz5G9uEy4CUMmcKAVn7RYVi8euALNy9dfPWl6gkCloq5D6SKrqczHteazKR2F41v5K5bqbw和放大器; HL = EN_US

删除/ edit?...包括/ edit?之后的所有内容

remove everything after "/edit?..." including "/edit?"

并添加 / manage / uninstall


https://script.google .com / macros / d / MZMgUL88c4h_G2Y7-rKtIT_UhbT9n / manage / uninstall


This will bring you to a page like this one :


点击卸载并完成... ...处女作为处女...

Click uninstall and your done... virgin as a virgin...


Then re-authorize to see if things go better.