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更新时间:2023-12-06 09:01:34

向导中控制流的本质 UI要求你:

1.保持可用的列表o f你的向导表格






  public  Action GoNext; 
public Action GoPrevious;

private void btnNext_Click(对象发​​件人,EventArgs e)
if (GoNext!= null )GoNext();

private void btnPrevious_Click( object sender,EventArgs e)
if (GoPrevious!= null )GoPrevious();


  private   const   int  NWizardPages =  4 ; 

私人 WizardForm currentWizard;
private int currentWizardPage;

private readonly 列表< WizardForm> WzFormList = new List< WizardForm>();

private void Form1_Load(对象发​​件人,EventArgs e)
for var i = 0 ; i < NWizardPages; i ++)
var wz = new WizardForm();
wz.Text = string .Format( 向导页面:{0},i + 1 );
wz.ControlBox = false ;

wz.GoNext = OnGoNext;
wz.GoPrevious = OnGoPrevious;

wz.Visible = false ;

currentWizard = WzFormList [ 0 ];

private void OnGoNext()

currentWizardPage ++;

if (currentWizardPage == NWizardPages)currentWizardPage = 0 ;

currentWizard = WzFormList [currentWizardPage];

私有 void OnGoPrevious()


if (currentWizardPage < 0
currentWizardPage = NWizardPages - 1 ;

currentWizard = WzFormList [currentWizardPage];

// 无法隐藏主表单,直到它出现之后'已显示
私有 void WizardBase_Shown( object sender,EventArgs e)
Visible = false ;

这个简单的例子省略了典型的任务......就像为用户提供退出向导并返回主窗体的方式......提供了必要的逻辑: br />


0.b.在每个WizardForm中提供公共代表(此示例使用'Action Type委托,作为定义事件委托的捷径),当单击每个向导表单上的下一个或上一个按钮时,将触发MainForm的信号。

1.在主窗体的加载事件中,向导表单中触发的代码将注入每个向导表单上的公共操作代理。 />


注意:在此示例中,通知按钮...'GoNext,'GoPrevious ...代码不会将信息传递给主窗体中的处理程序。在实际的用例中,您可能希望使用这些事件(按下按钮)将数据从向导表单传递到应用程序的中心逻辑;或者,您可能想使用其他方法。

请参阅向导表单实施 [ ^ ]。

Im trying to create my own Next/back wizard control using multiple form's.
In that im facing a problem in one scenario.
I have my next/back button in parent form. Default the next button will be enabled false after few validation in child form im trying to enable parent Next button.
I cant able make it happen i have tried bellow code.

What I have tried:

Default My parent form
Step1 my child form

My trying this below code from my child form Step1:

Default d = new Default();
d.btnNext.Enabled = true;


(this.Owner as Default).btnNext.Enabled = true;


//Default p = (Default)this.Owner;
Control[] c = p.Controls.Find("btnNext", true);
Button b = (Button)c[0];
b.Enabled = false;

The "essence" of the flow of control in a "Wizard" UI requires you to:

1. maintain a usable List of your Wizard Forms

2. keep track of which Wizard Form is the current Form

3. provide a way for the Wizard Form to signal the Main Form when its 'Next or 'Previous Button is clicked.

4. provide the logic in the Main Form to receive the signal from the Wizard Forms, and act to show the correct next Wizard Form in the sequence.

So, let's take a look at an example of how that can be done:

Assuming this is a WinForms project with a Main Form that creates the instances of the Wizard Forms:

I. in the Wizard forms: assuming each has Buttons 'GoNext and 'GoPrevious
public Action GoNext;
public Action GoPrevious;

private void btnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (GoNext != null) GoNext();

private void btnPrevious_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (GoPrevious != null) GoPrevious();

In the Main Form:

private const int NWizardPages = 4;

private WizardForm currentWizard;
private int currentWizardPage;

private readonly List<WizardForm> WzFormList = new List<WizardForm>();

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    for (var i = 0; i < NWizardPages; i++)
        var wz = new WizardForm();
        wz.Text = string.Format("Wizard Page: {0}", i + 1);
        wz.ControlBox = false;

        wz.GoNext = OnGoNext;
        wz.GoPrevious = OnGoPrevious;

        wz.Visible = false;

    currentWizard = WzFormList[0];

private void OnGoNext()


    if (currentWizardPage == NWizardPages) currentWizardPage = 0;

    currentWizard = WzFormList[currentWizardPage];

private void OnGoPrevious()


    if (currentWizardPage < 0)
        currentWizardPage = NWizardPages - 1;

    currentWizard = WzFormList[currentWizardPage];

// can't hide the Main Form until after it is 'Shown
private void WizardBase_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Visible = false;

This simple example, which omits typical tasks ... like providing a way for the user to exit the wizard and return to the Main Form ... provides the necessary logic by:

0.a. creating a List of Wizard Forms, and variables that point to the current Index of the current Wizard Form, and the current Wizard Form.

0.b. providing public Delegates in each WizardForm (this example uses the 'Action Type delegate, as a short-cut for defining an Event Delegate) that will trigger the signaling of the MainForm when the 'Next or 'Previous Buttons on each Wizard Form are clicked.

1. in the Load Event of the Main Form, the code to be triggered in the Wizard Forms is injected into the public Action delegates on each Wizard Form.

2. the 'OnGoPrevious and 'OnGoNext handlers in the Main Form do the right thing to show the next, or previous, Wizard Form in the sequence.

Note: In this example, the notification Buttons ... 'GoNext, 'GoPrevious ... code do not pass information to their handlers in the Main Form. In a real-world use-case, you will probably want to use those events (the button-press) to pass data from the wizard forms to the central logic of your app; or, you may want to use other methods.

See Wizard Form Implementation[^].