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Windows 窗体中的 datagridview 单元格编辑和保存功能?

更新时间:2023-12-06 10:29:04

使用 DataGridView 更新数据库的方法之一是使用 DataGridView 的事件:

One of the way to update a database with DataGridView is using of DataGridView's events:




假设:private DataGridView dgv;添加事件处理程序

Let say: private DataGridView dgv; Add handlers of events

dgv.CellBeginEdit += dgv_CellBeginEdit;
dgv.CellValidating += dgv_CellValidating;
dgv.CellEndEdit += dgv_CellEndEdit;

private void dgv_CellBeginEdit(Object sender, DataGridViewCellCancelEventArgs e)
     //Here we save a current value of cell to some variable, that later we can compare with a new value
    //For example using of dgv.Tag property
    if(e.RowIndex >= 0 && e.ColumnIndex >= 0)
        this.dgv.Tag = this.dgv.CurrentCell.Value;
        //Or cast sender to DataGridView variable-> than this handler can be used in another datagridview

private void dgv_CellValidating(Object sender, DataGridViewCellValidatingEventArgs e)
    //Here you can add all kind of checks for new value
    //For exapmle simple compare with old value and check for be more than 0
    if(this.dgv.Tag = this.dgv.CurrentCell.Value)
        e.Cancel = true;    //Cancel changes of current cell
    //For example used Integer check
    int32 iTemp;
    if (Int32.TryParse(this.dgv.CurrentCell.Value, iTemp) = True && iTemp > 0)
        //value is ok
        e.Cancel = True;

Private Sub dgvtest1_CellEndEdit(Object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
    //Because CellEndEdit event occurs after CellValidating event(if not cancelled)
    //Here you can update new value to database