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在 windows 游戏项目上创建 XNA AudioEngine

更新时间:2023-12-06 14:09:10

这是文档中的错误.AudioEngine 实际上在 Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Xact 程序集中.添加对此的引用,一切都应该按预期工作.

This is an error in the documentation. AudioEngine is actually in the Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Xact assembly. Add a reference to that, and everything should work as expected.

请注意,XACT 在 Windows Phone 7 上不可用(这就是它位于单独程序集中的原因).如果您打算稍后使用移动设备,请改用 SoundEffect.

Note that XACT is not available on Windows Phone 7 (this is why it is in a separate assembly). If you plan to go mobile later, use SoundEffect instead.