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将Android AAR发布到工件

更新时间:2023-09-19 21:14:16

发布到Artifactory只是一个配置任务.您只需要配置两个插件 com.jfrog.artifactory maven-publish ,然后运行 artifactoryPublish Gradle的任务.但是...让我们通过代码来解释它,以简化复制粘贴:·)

Publishing to Artifactory is just a configuration task. You just need to configure two plugins, com.jfrog.artifactory and maven-publish, and run artifactoryPublish Gradle's task. But... let's explain it by code, to ease copypasting :·)

在您图书馆的 build.gradle :

apply plugin: 'com.jfrog.artifactory'
apply plugin: 'maven-publish'

publishing {
    publications {
        aar(MavenPublication) {
            groupId 'com.fewlaps.something' //put here your groupId
            artifactId 'productname' //put here your artifactId
            version '7.42.0' //put here your library version

            // Tell maven to prepare the generated "*.aar" file for publishing

artifactory {
    contextUrl = 'https://your-artifactory-host.com/artifactory'
    publish {
        repository {
            repoKey = "libs-release-local"
            username = "username"
            password = "password"
        defaults {
            // Tell the Artifactory Plugin which artifacts should be published to Artifactory.

然后运行 ./gradlewartifactoryPublish

此外,如果您希望每次将标签推送到GitHub时都上传工件,请将此代码添加到您的 .travis.yml

In addition, if you want to upload the artifact everytime you push a tag to GitHub, add this code to your .travis.yml

  - provider: script
    script: ./gradlew artifactoryPublish
    skip_cleanup: true
      tags: true

如果在将标签推送到GitHub时未启动该标签的构建,请检查您是否正在Travis上构建 vX.X.X 标签:

If it doesn't launch a build for the tag when you push a tag to GitHub, check that you're building vX.X.X tags on Travis:

# Build only master and "vX.X.X" tags to prevent flooding Travis machines
    - master
    - /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/