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在Android Studio中将文件(使用Git进行跟踪)从Java转换为Kotlin

更新时间:2023-10-06 11:23:22




  • 只需将 .java 文件的扩展名更改为 .kt 并将其提交;

  • 将其重命名,应用转换并提交已修改的 .kt 文件。 $ b

A conversion from Java to Kotlin in Android Studio 2.3.2 (in 3.0 the same behaviour) creates a new file and deletes previous. So Git doesn't know anything about this conversion. And the git history doesn't save. In Intellij Idea everything's fine. IDE just renames file and git saves the history. How can do the same in Android Studio.

Git guesses renames from added/removed file pairs, but only if these files are close enough, i.e. if the file was renamed with no or small amount of changes.

When you apply java-to-kotlin conversion usually every line of a file changes, so that git cannot find that these old and new files somehow relate to each other.

You can use the following two-stage approach instead:

  • just change the extension of .java file to .kt and commit it;
  • rename it back, apply the conversion and commit the modified .kt file.