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如何从VB.Net 2008中的DataGridView打印数据

更新时间:2023-10-19 22:03:22

What have you tried ? Standard printing code should handle this, you''re just printing what''s on screen, right ?

我建​​议您搜索GDI +上的文章,尤其是诸如DrawString之类的方法, DrawRectangle等.如果您想从头开始创建自己的报告,则还需要阅读有关PrintDocument类和PrintPreview的文章.从DataGridView获取数据与从其他任何地方获取数据没有什么不同.

Happy Coding
I suggest that you search for articles on GDI+, in particular methods such as DrawString, DrawRectangle etc. You would also need to read articles on the PrintDocument class and PrintPreview, if you want to create your own reports from scratch. Getting the Data from a DataGridView is no different than getting your Data from anyplace else.

Happy Coding



a simple google search or a search on this site will provide a wealth of information on how to do just that. If you don''t understand how to do a simple search like that, then you''re in the wrong business. If you''re just not sure what keywords to use, then you''re in the wrong business.

We''re not in the business of doing research for someone. If you want that, hire a research assistant.

If you have specific questions about some code, or if you are having issues implementing some code, then feel free to ask those questions and we will gladly try to assist you. But when you ask a question that is so basic that the top result in google can give you all of the information you would need, we don''t feel inclined to help.