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genfromtxt()中的NumPy dtype问题,以字节字符串形式读取字符串

更新时间:2023-11-14 23:35:16


In Python2.7

array([('ZINC00043096', 'C.3', 'C1', -0.154, 'methyl'),
       ('ZINC00043096', 'C.3', 'C2', 0.0638, 'methylene'),
       ('ZINC00043096', 'C.3', 'C4', 0.0669, 'methylene'),
       ('ZINC00090377', 'C.3', 'C7', 0.207, 'methylene')], 
      dtype=[('f0', 'S12'), ('f1', 'S3'), ('f2', 'S2'), ('f3', '<f8'), ('f4', 'S9')])


array([(b'ZINC00043096', b'C.3', b'C1', -0.154, b'methyl'),
       (b'ZINC00043096', b'C.3', b'C2', 0.0638, b'methylene'),
       (b'ZINC00043096', b'C.3', b'C4', 0.0669, b'methylene'),
       (b'ZINC00090377', b'C.3', b'C7', 0.207, b'methylene')], 
      dtype=[('f0', 'S12'), ('f1', 'S3'), ('f2', 'S2'), ('f3', '<f8'), ('f4', 'S9')])

Python3中的'regular'字符串是unicode.但是您的文本文件具有字节字符串. all_data在两种情况下都是相同的(136个字节),但是Python3显示字节字符串的方式是b'C.3',而不仅仅是'C.3'.

The 'regular' strings in Python3 are unicode. But your text file has byte strings. all_data is the same in both cases (136 bytes), but Python3's way of displaying a byte string is b'C.3', not just 'C.3'.

您打算对这些字符串进行哪些类型的操作? 'ZIN' in all_data['f0'][1]适用于2.7版本,但是在3中必须使用b'ZIN' in all_data['f0'][1].

What kinds of operations do you plan on doing with these strings? 'ZIN' in all_data['f0'][1] works with the 2.7 version, but in 3 you have to use b'ZIN' in all_data['f0'][1].

在numpy中变量/未知长度字符串/unicode dtype 提醒我可以在dtype中指定unicode字符串类型.但是,如果您事先不知道字符串的长度,这将变得更加复杂.

Variable/unknown length string/unicode dtype in numpy reminds me that you can specify a unicode string type in the dtype. However this becomes more complicated if you don't know the lengths of the strings beforehand.

alttype = np.dtype([('f0', 'U12'), ('f1', 'U3'), ('f2', 'U2'), ('f3', '<f8'), ('f4', 'U9')])
all_data_u = np.genfromtxt(csv_file, dtype=alttype, delimiter=',')


array([('ZINC00043096', 'C.3', 'C1', -0.154, 'methyl'),
       ('ZINC00043096', 'C.3', 'C2', 0.0638, 'methylene'),
       ('ZINC00043096', 'C.3', 'C4', 0.0669, 'methylene'),
       ('ZINC00090377', 'C.3', 'C7', 0.207, 'methylene')], 
      dtype=[('f0', '<U12'), ('f1', '<U3'), ('f2', '<U2'), ('f3', '<f8'), ('f4', '<U9')])


In Python2.7 all_data_u displays as

(u'ZINC00043096', u'C.3', u'C1', -0.154, u'methyl')


all_data_u is 448 bytes, because numpy allocates 4 bytes for each unicode character. Each U4 item is 16 bytes long.

1.14版中的更改: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/release.html#encoding-argument-for-text-io-functions

Changes in v 1.14: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/release.html#encoding-argument-for-text-io-functions