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如何在iOS Swift中制作登录屏幕的单元测试用例

更新时间:2023-11-20 08:37:04


The simplest approach is to structure your code so that it doesn't actually initiate the login API call. Instead, it:

  • 创建请求,但在发送之前停止
  • 处理响应


Then you can test that filling in the fields and tapping the button creates the correct request. After that, you can test various responses, including all sort of error cases that are hard to create in end-to-end testing.

要在单元测试中点击一个按钮,请使其进行测试,以便测试可以访问该按钮.然后呼叫sendActions(for: .touchUpInside)

To tap a button from a unit test, make it so that the test can access the button. Then call sendActions(for: .touchUpInside)

进一步阅读: iOS单元测试示例:使用Swift的XCTest技巧和技术

Further reading: iOS Unit Testing by Example: XCTest Tips and Techniques Using Swift


Example: There are many ways to structure this. Let's say we have a protocol

protocol NetworkCalling {
    typealias CallResult = Result<(Data, URLResponse), Error>
    typealias CompletionHandler = (CallResult) -> Void

    func call(request: URLRequest, completionHandler: @escaping CompletionHandler)


Our view controller will use whatever it's given. It doesn't care. It just knows how to make a URLRequest from its properties. It also knows how to handle the result, for both success and failure.

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    var networkCall: NetworkCalling?

    @IBAction private func login(sender: AnyObject) {
        let request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "http://foo.bar?baz")!)
        networkCall?.call(request: request) { [weak self] result in

    private func handleResult(_ result: NetworkCalling.CallResult) {
        switch result {
        case let .success(data, response):
        case let .failure(error):


The protocol introduces a boundary. The view controller can't see past that boundary. It's not the view controller's business. The protocol gives us opportunities to provide different implementers:

  • 进行真正的网络通话的东西.
  • 包装另一个实现者的装饰器,进行日志记录.
  • 一个测试间谍,捕获其参数以进行单元测试.
  • 一种伪造的文件,用于重放存储的响应以进行UI测试.这使UI测试更快,更可靠.