
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-11-22 23:46:34

AFAIK要删除这些多余的查询,请删除对@Transactional批注的所有修饰符.将隔离级别限制为READ_COMMITED所要付出的代价是,Hibernate将需要执行额外的查询以确定数据库是否处于脏状态.对于90%的情况,这些修饰符是不必要的. Hibernate非常擅长确保您的数据干净,而无需尝试添加这些限制.

AFAIK to remove those extra queries, remove all your modifiers to your @Transactional annotations. The price you pay for restricting your isolation level to READ_COMMITED is that Hibernate will need to perform extra queries to determine if the database is in a dirty state. For 90% of cases, these modifiers are unnecessary. Hibernate is very good at ensuring that your data will be clean without you trying to add these restrictions.


If it is absolutely necessary for you to ensure that your isolation is READ_COMMITTED, you can't do anything about the extra queries.


Moving to a StatelessSession just to get rid of those queries is a bad idea for exactly the reason you pointed out. Really, the only valid reason to be using a StatelessSession is for large batch inserts of data that you know won't be read while the insert is occuring.