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在 .Net 2 中使用 WCF 时,int 属性为 0

更新时间:2023-11-24 23:37:40

我敢打赌你有一个具有实际 int 属性的数据契约:

I bet you have a data contract that has the actual int property:

public int YourProperty ......

以及旁边的 YourPropertySpecified 属性:

public bool YourPropertySpecified ......

由于 int 不能为 null,WCF 无法区分您是否定义了一个值 - 您需要告诉它.

Since an int cannot be null, WCF cannot distinguish whether or not you have defined a value - you need to tell it.

因此,如果您使用 int 属性并为其设置值 - 您需要将其随附的 YourPropertySpecified 属性设置为 true:

So if you use an int property and set a value to it - you also need to set its accompanying YourPropertySpecified property to true:

yourData.YourProperty = 42;
yourData.YourPropertySpecified = true;

通过这个额外的步骤,int 值应该可以很好地到达服务器

With this extra step, the int values should arrive at the server just fine