
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-12-01 19:44:10

尝试重定向到 root_path 而不是'/ static_pages / home'

尽管如此,您可能会遇到另一个问题: @user .save 将尝试保存新用户,而不是更新现有的用户。

You'll probably have a different problem though: @user.save will try to save a new user instead of updating the existing one.

还要考虑隐式呈现视图,而不是显式地重定向回相同的路径。这样,整个if / else块可以减少到: flash [:notice] =开发者被指责!!除非@ user.save

Also consider implicitly rendering the view instead of explicitly redirecting back to the same path. That way, the entire if/else block can be reduced to: flash[:notice] = "Developers to be blamed !!" unless @user.save


Further note: Single page applications are mostly rendered on the client. The controllers should still be designed according to REST principles.