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更新时间:2023-12-05 15:58:28

不,AFAIK,用命令行工具删除 PDF中的所有图片是不可能的。

No, AFAIK, it's not possible to remove all images in a PDF with a commandline tool.


What's the purpose of your request anyway? Save on filesize? Remove information contained in images? Or ...?

无论您的目标是什么,这里都有一个命令会对所有图像进行下采样分辨率为2 ppi( 更新: 1 ppi不起作用)。这一次实现了两个目标:

Whatever you aim at, here is a command that will downsample all images to a resolution of 2 ppi (Update: 1 ppi doesn't work). Which achieves two goals at once:

  • 减少文件大小

  • 使所有图像基本上无法理解

以下是如何有选择地执行此操作, 第33页上的图像original.pdf

Here's how to do it selectively, for only the images on page 33 of original.pdf:

gs                               \
  -o images-uncomprehendable.pdf \
  -sDEVICE=pdfwrite              \
  -dDownsampleColorImages=true   \
  -dDownsampleGrayImages=true    \
  -dDownsampleMonoImages=true    \
  -dColorImageResolution=2       \
  -dGrayImageResolution=2        \
  -dMonoImageResolution=2        \
  -dFirstPage=33                 \
  -dLastPage=33                  \

如果您想在所有所有图像上执行此操作 pages,只需跳过 -dFirstPage -dLastPage 参数。

If you want to do it for all images on all pages, just skip the -dFirstPage and -dLastPage parameters.


If you want to remove all color information from images, convert them to Grayscale in the same command (search other answers on *** where details for this are discussed).

更新:最初,我建议使用1 PPI的分辨率。这似乎不适用于Ghostscript。我现在用2 PPI进行测试。这有效。

Update: Originally, I had proposed to use a resolution of 1 PPI. It seems this doesn't work with Ghostscript. I now tested with 2 PPI. This works.


Update 2: See also the following (new) question with the answer:


It provides some sample PostScript code which completely removes all (raster) images from the PDF, leaving the rest of the page layout unchanged.


It also reflects the expanded new capabilities of Ghostscript which can now selectively remove either all text, or all raster images, or all vector objects from a PDF, or any combination of these 3 types.