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firebase 在哪里保存它的简单登录用户?

更新时间:2023-12-05 22:06:28

对于它支持的大多数身份验证协议,Firebase 不会将用户数据存储在任何地方.即使对于它确实存储数据的协议(我只知道电子邮件+密码这样做),它也会将此信息存储在您的应用程序无法访问的位置(尽管您可以在Firebase 的信息中心).

For most of the authentication protocols it supports, Firebase doesn't store user data anywhere. Even for the protocols where it does store data (I only know of email+password doing this), it stores this information in a place that your application can't access (though you can find those users in the dashboard of your Firebase).

引用 Firebase 文档:

它不会在您的 Firebase 中存储个人资料或用户状态.要保留用户数据,您必须将其保存到 Firebase.

It does not store profile or user state in your Firebase. To persist user data you must save it to your Firebase.

大多数应用程序最终会做的是将用户列表保存在他们自己管理的 Firebase 中.因此,当用户首次向应用程序进行身份验证时,它会在 /users/ 下创建一个节点,其中包含该用户的信息.

What most applications end up doing, is keeping a list of users inside their Firebase that they manage themselves. So when a user first authenticates with the application, it creates a node under /users/<uid> that contains the information for that user.

请参阅描述存储的 Firebase 文档的这一部分用户数据.