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Visual Studio社区2017中的Windows窗体App C ++

更新时间:2023-12-06 12:45:52

有些人可能会感到惊讶和不同意,但微软从未接受过C ++语言。在设计.Net,C#和VB .Net之前,微软并不支持C ++。当他们设计.Net时,他们设计了这样的

Microsoft不建议使用C ++开发新的Windows Forms程序。事实上,微软认为Windows Forms是旧技术。如果您搜索,您将找到C ++ Windows窗体项目的各种解决方案。
尝试的第一件事就是转到"工具"。 | "扩展和更新......"并从那里安装模板,如下所示。


I want create Windows Form App in c++ ,but in part "New project" I can't find this option.

Can you please recommend me how i can have option for Windows Form App c++.


Some people might be surprised and disagree, but Microsoft has never embraced the C++ language. Prior to designing .Net, C# and VB .Net Microsoft did not support C++ as well as they could have. When they designed .Net they designed it such that it does not work well with unmanaged languages; the primary barrier is use of partial classes.

Microsoft does not recommend developing new Windows Forms programs using C++. In fact, Microsoft considers Windows Forms to be old technology. If you search you will find various solutions for C++ Windows Forms projects. The first thing to try is to go to "Tools" | "Extensions and Updates..." and install the template from there as shown in the following.

