
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-12-20 16:17:48


I implemented something like this, cause I have a visceral dislike of Java's EventListenerList. First, you implement a generic Listener. I defined the listener based upon the Event it was receiving, with basically one method

interface GenericListener<T extends Event> {
   public void handle(T t);


This saves you having to define ListenerA, ListernerB etc... Though you could do it your way with ListenerA, ListenerB, etc, all extending some base like MyListener. Both ways have plusses and minuses.

然后,我使用 CopyOnWriteArraySet 来容纳所有这些侦听器。设置集是要考虑的原因,因为太松散的编码人员经常将侦听器添加两次。 YMMV。但是,实际上,您有一个 Collection< GenericListener< T扩展Event>>。或Collection< MyListener>

I then used a CopyOnWriteArraySet to hold all these listeners. A set is something to consider cause all too often listeners get added twice by sloppy coders. YMMV. But, effectively you have a Collection<GenericListener<T extends Event>> or a Collection<MyListener>


Now, as you've discovered, with type erasure, the Collection can only hold one type of listener. That is often a problem. Solution: Use a Map.


Since I'm basing everything upon the event, I used

Map<Class<T extends Event>, Collection<GenericListener<T extends Event>>>

根据事件的类别,获取要获取该事件的侦听器的列表。 br>

based upon the class of the event, get the list of listeners who want to get that event.
Your alternative is to base it upon the class of the listener

Map<Class<T extends MyListener>, Collection<MyListener>>


There's probably some typos above...