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如何在Android SD卡Delphi中索引已创建的文件

更新时间:2022-03-11 01:35:02


The cause for newly created files not being imediately visible in Windows Explorer does not lie in your code but in the way how MTP protocol works.


You see when you conect your android device to your computer using MTP protocol the device itself does provide your computer with list of files on it when your computer demands it but it does not support live update or noficiation of file changes.


The only protocol that would technically allow your computer to be notified of file changes on your andoid device is USB mass sotrage. But this protocol has limitation which requires that your computer gets exclusive access to file storage which would then prevent any program on your android device to make any cahnges to theese files while USB mass storage conection is active.


You can read a bit more about different connection protocols that android uses here:

Android USB解释的连接:MTP,PTP和USB海量存储