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如何忽略具有特定注释的方法的 checkstyle javadoc 警告

更新时间:2022-12-25 09:21:23


您可以使用一种特定的注释(@SuppressWarnings)来抑制警告,但不能使用其他注释(例如 @MyEvent)来达到这种效果..>


Checkstyle warns when I have a public method without javadoc, which is nice! When I override a public method I don't get the warning because the javadoc is already available in the parent class for the method.

Now I have an other annotation for my method for example @MyEvent. Now I do get the warning but don't want it because the annotation says enough. Can I exclude warnings for methods with a specific annotation?

There are some solutions that involve adding stuff to my code like @SuppressWarnings or comments like // CHECKSTYLE.OFF but this does not make my code nicer, i could instead just add the javadoc. So I'm looking for a configuration level solution.

Can I exclude warnings for methods with a specific annotation?

You can suppress warnings by using one specific annotation (@SuppressWarnings), but other annotations can not be used to that effect (such as @MyEvent).

At least not out of the box. If you are willing to do some programming, you can develop your own custom filter that does what you need.