
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-12-25 15:44:26

如果它有帮助,我已经使用了一些msgbox来测试这个故障部分中的变量。在第二次调用GetUrlData(data = GetUrlData(URL&" / signin"," POST"," formtoken ="& token&"& username ="& strUser&" ;& password ="& strPW&"& sign_in_submit = foo")),填充所有变量(token,strUser和strPW)。



If it helps any, I''ve used some msgbox''s to test the variables in this trouble section. On the 2nd call to GetUrlData (data = GetUrlData(URL & "/signin", "POST", "formtoken=" & token & "&username=" & strUser & "&password=" & strPW & "&sign_in_submit=foo")), all of the variables are populated (token, strUser, and strPW).

So if anyone has any thoughts on how I could troubleshoot (step through, use msgbox''s, etc) the GetUrlData Function, that would be helpful.


程序编译为32位?我是C / C ++世界的一部分,64位程序永远不会在32位机器上运行。只是好奇。
The program was compiled as 32-bit? I''m part of the C/C++ world and a 64-bit program will never work on a 32-bit machine. Just curious.

感谢您的见解。不幸的是(这是真正的程序员在他们眼中的角色),我没有足够的知识来知道它是如何编译的。我正在使用Visual Studio Express,我从来没有正式编译它以使用自动创建的exe。如果有人深入了解如何在Visual Studio Express中针对32位和64位进行不同的编译,我很满意。

Thanks for the insight. Unfortunately (this is where the true programmers role their eyes), I don''t have enough knowledge to know how it was compiled. I am using Visual Studio Express, and I never had to formally compile it to use the exe that was automatically created. If someone has insight on how to compile differently for 32 vs 64 bit in Visual Studio Express, I am all ears.

That said, the section that is having trouble is just going out to a website, logging in, and pulling data. Why would that act any differently between 32 bit and 64 bit?