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“隐式"插件 - 为什么即使在 POM 中没有提到 Maven 构建也通过surefire运行测试?

更新时间:2022-03-23 01:52:07

在构建期间将被激活的插件列表(如果没有其他明确声明)取决于项目打包.例如,对于 jarwar 项目,默认生命周期包含 test 阶段,它被绑定到 surefire:test默认.请参阅此处了解更多信息.

The list of plugins that are going to be activated during the build (if no other are explicitly declared) depends on project packaging. For example, for jar and war projects, default lifecycle contains test phase which is bind to surefire:test by default. See here for more info.