
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-12-27 16:39:21


Here's a Java regex pattern that works for your sample input.


# lookbehind to check for start of string or previous param
# java lookbehinds must have max length, so limits sqltype
(?<=^|sqltype='cf_sql_[a-z]{1,16}']\ ,\ )

# capture the full string for replacing in the orig sql
# and just the position to verify against the match position
(\(param\ (\d+)\))

\ =\ \[

# type and class wont contain quotes
,\ class='([^']++)'

# match any non-quote, then lazily keep going
,\ value='([^']++.*?)'

# sqltype is always alphanumeric
,\ sqltype='cf_sql_[a-z]+'


# lookahead to check for end of string or next param
(?=$|\ ,\ \(param\ \d+\)\ =\ \[)

$ c>(?x)标志用于注释模式,它忽略未转义的空格和散列与行尾之间。)

(The (?x) flag is for comment mode, which ignores unescaped whitespace and between a hash and end of line.)

下面是在CFML中实现的模式(在CF9,0,1,274733上测试)。它使用 cfRegex (使用CFML更容易使用Java正则表达式的库)来获取该模式的结果,然后进行几个检查,以确保找到预期数量的params。

And here's that pattern implemented in CFML (tested on CF9,0,1,274733). It uses cfRegex (a library which makes it easier to work with Java regex in CFML) to get the results of that pattern, and then does a couple of checks to make sure the expected number of params are found.

<cfsavecontent variable="Input">
(param 1) = [type='IN', class='java.lang.Integer', value='47', sqltype='cf_sql_integer']
 , (param 2) = [type='IN', class='java.lang.String', value='asf , O'Reilly, really?', sqltype='cf_sql_varchar']
 , (param 3) = [type='IN', class='java.lang.String', value='Th[is]is Ev'ery'thing That , []can break it ', sqltype= ', sqltype='cf_sql_varchar']
<cfset Input = trim(Input).replaceall('\n','')>

<cfset cfcatch = 
    { params = input
    , sql = 'SELECT stuff FROM wherever WHERE (param 3) is last param'

<cfsavecontent variable="ParamRx">(?x)

    # lookbehind to check for start or previous param
    # java lookbehinds must have max length, so limits sqltype
    (?<=^|sqltype='cf_sql_[a-z]{1,16}']\ ,\ )

    # capture the full string for replacing in the orig sql
    # and just the position to verify against the match position
    (\(param\ (\d+)\))

    \ =\ \[

    # type and class wont contain quotes
    ,\ class='([^']++)'

    # match any non-quote, then lazily keep going if needed
    ,\ value='([^']++.*?)'

    # sqltype is always alphanumeric
    ,\ sqltype='cf_sql_[a-z]+'


    # lookahead to check for end or next param
    (?=$|\ ,\ \(param\ \d+\)\ =\ \[)


<cfset FoundParams = new Regex(ParamRx).match
    ( text = cfcatch.params
    , returntype = 'full'

<cfset LastParamPos = cfcatch.sql.lastIndexOf('(param ') + 7 />
<cfset LastParam = ListFirst( Mid(cfcatch.sql,LastParamPos,3) , ')' ) />

<cfif LastParam NEQ ArrayLen(FoundParams) >
    <cfset ProblemsDetected = true />
    <cfset ProblemsDetected = false />

    <cfloop index="i" from=1 to=#ArrayLen(FoundParams)# >

        <cfif i NEQ FoundParams[i].Groups[2] >
            <cfset ProblemsDetected = true />


<cfif ProblemsDetected>
    <big>Something went wrong!</big>
    <big>All seems fine</big>

<cfdump var=#FoundParams# />


This will actually work if you embed an entire param inside the value of another param. It fails if you try two (or more), but at least least the checks should detect this failure.


Here's what the dump output should look like:

希望这里的一切都有意义 - 让我知道是否有任何问题。

Hopefully everything here makes sense - let me know if any questions.