
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-12-30 18:18:43

我认为这是毕业项目的简单方法。这或多或少是一个周末的任务。实际上你可以发现它已经用c#实现了: http:/ /www.c-sharpcorner.com/uploadfile/b942f9/implementing-the-dbscan-algorithm-using-C-Sharp/ [ ^ ]。



我遇到了我的主管,他接受了比较算法实现的想法,但我仍然需要集群的东西,我现在正在努力解决这个问题。 / BLOCKQUOTE>

Hello everyone
I have to make a graduation project this year and I've been thinking about an idea since a while
I want to work in patern clustring / classification
while searching the internet I found an algorithm called DBSCAN which used in clustering
what do you think about implementing this one in c# as a graduation project??
Is it in the level to be worked on for a student like me in final year or it's simpler than that?
any help will be appreciated
thanks all

I think this is way to simple for a graduation project. It's more or less a one weekend task. Actually you can find it already implemented in c#: http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/uploadfile/b942f9/implementing-the-dbscan-algorithm-using-C-Sharp/[^].

If you think in this kind of topic I suggest you better do a comparison of several clustering algorithms. To do that you have to choose sample field (any data source that can be assessed with this method, and the resulting clusters can be compared in some form). You could assess the efficience of the algorithms in theory (evaluating complexity), the performance in you implementation on several different sample sets (differing in content and size), and maybe performance improvement considerations too. At the end you could compare the resulting clusters that were delivered by the different clustering methods on the same sample.

Well this might be enough for a graduation project. At least where I came from...

I met my supervisor and he accepted the idea of comparison of algorithms implementation but I still need something to cluster and I'm working about this now