
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-12-31 07:47:56

您不能,至少不能从设备上进行. (注意:我的意思是没有越狱的设备.)

You can't, at least not from the device. (Caveat: I mean a non-jailbroken device.)

您可以 做的是在网站上提供IPA并将其下载到设备上.这就是企业部署的工作方式,您可以对临时构建使用相同的技巧.

What you can do is make an IPA available on a website and download it to a device. This is how enterprise deployment works, and you can use the same trick for ad hoc builds.

GitHub上有一个项目可以自动执行此操作: BetaBuilder .

There's a project on GitHub that automates this: BetaBuilder.


This probably isn't what you're looking for, but it's the closest that you can currently get as far as I'm aware.