
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-12-31 16:57:33

我在其他答案中看到的***的选择是使用 float:left; 。不幸的是,它不工作在IE7这是一个要求这里 * —你仍然失去子弹。我不是真的热衷于使用背景图片。

The best option I saw in other answers was to use float:left;. Unfortunately, it doesn't work in IE7 which is a requirement here* — you still lose the bullet. I'm not really keen on using a background image either.

我要做什么(没有人建议,因此自我回答)手动添加& bull; 到我的html,而不是样式。这不太理想,但它是我找到的最兼容的选项。

What I'm gonna do instead (that no one else suggested, hence the self-answer) is go with manually adding • to the my html, rather than styling this. It's less than ideal, but it's the most compatible option I found.

编辑 * 的原始发布日期。 IE7不太可能是一个问题。

edit: *Current readers take note of the original post date. IE7 is unlikely to be a concern anymore.