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更新时间:2023-01-03 15:03:52

Jet.OLEDB.4.0提供程序适用于MDB格式的数据库文件.对于较新的ACCDB格式( MyData.accdb ),您需要ACE提供程序.

The Jet.OLEDB.4.0 provider works for MDB format database files. For the newer ACCDB format (MyData.accdb), you need the ACE provider.

对于Access 2007,只有32位版本的ACE提供程序.但是从Access 2010开始,有单独的32位和64位版本.您需要一种与您的VBScript运行所在的位模式匹配的

For Access 2007, there was only a 32 bit version of the ACE provider. But starting with Access 2010, there are separate 32 and 64 bit versions. You need the one which matches the bit mode in which your VBScript runs.