
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-01-07 15:58:00


The difficulty is that, unlike sed, awk does not tell us when we are working on the last row. Here is one work-around:

$ awk 'NR>1{print last} {last=$0} END{$0=last;$2=$5+1;print}' OFS='\t' file.txt
AAA     134     145     Sat     150     167
AAA     156     167     Sat     150     167
AAA     151     187     Sat     150     167

这可以通过将前一行保留在变量 last 中来实现.更详细地:

This works by keeping the previous line in the variable last. In more detail:

  • NR> 1 {最后打印}

对于除第一行以外的每一行,打印 last .

For every row, except the first, print last.

last = $ 0

更新 last 的值.

END {$ 0 = last;$ 2 = $ 5 + 1;打印}


When we have reached the end of the file, update field 2 and print.

OFS ='\ t'


Set the field separator on output to a tab.


This approach reads the file twice, first to count the number of lines and the second time to change the last row. Consequently, this is less efficient but it might be easier to understand:

$ awk -v n="$(wc -l <file.txt)" 'NR==n{$2=$5+1} 1' OFS='\t' file.txt
AAA     134     145     Sat     150     167
AAA     156     167     Sat     150     167
AAA     151     187     Sat     150     167


$ awk 'NR==1{$2=$5+1} 1' OFS='\t' file.txt
AAA     151     145     Sat     150     167
AAA     156     167     Sat     150     167
AAA     175     187     Sat     150     167


$ awk 'NR==1{$2=$5+1} NR>1{print last} {last=$0} END{$0=last;if(NR>1)$2=$5+1;print}' OFS='\t' file.txt
AAA     151     145     Sat     150     167
AAA     156     167     Sat     150     167
AAA     151     187     Sat     150     167