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PHP - 使用CURL将图像文件上传到其他域

更新时间:2023-01-07 16:54:11

在这个答案中没有代码,只是一个工作流示例将绕过 curl

  • site 1处理表单和上传的文件。

  • 在网站1上,一旦检查了上传的文件,请创建一个 file_get_contents ://site2.loc/pullfile.php?f = filename& sec = checkcode')调用。 pullfile.php 的内容会做到这一点,将文件从site 1拉到site 2。

  • 可以检查从 file_get_contents()返回的错误从site 2 pullfile.php ,处理它。没有错误,请删除临时文件。

  • & sec = checkcode 可用于确认文件已成功上传site 2。

  • 只是一个想法。


      // ----网站1,formprocess.php ---- 



    //从$ _FILES
    $ site1File ='test.jpg';

    $ site1FileMd5 = md5_file('./ tmp /'.$ site1File);

    / /现在向site 2发起远程请求
    $ site2Result = file_get_contents('http://'SITE_2_URL.'/pullfile.php?f ='。$ site1File。'& md5 ='。$ site1FileMd5);

    if($ site2Result =='done'){
    unlink('./ tmp /'.$ site1File);
    } else {
    echo'< p>
    - 但稍后处理。
    < / p>';


      // -----网站2,pullfile.php ----- 

    //放在/ upload'

    $ fileMd5 = $ _GET ['md5'];
    $ fileName = basename($ _ GET ['f']);

    $ pullingFile = file_get_contents('http://'.SITE_1_URL.'/tmp/ '。$ fileName);

    $ result = file_put_contents('./ uploaded /'.$ fileName,$ pullingFile);
    if(!$ result){

    $ pulledMd5 = md5_file('./ uploaded /'.$ fileName);
    if($ pullingMd5!= $ fileMd5){
    echo'Error:md5 mis-match';


    I have two domain, as example site1.loc and site2.loc. In site1.loc i have a php form file like this:

    $c_name = "";
    $c_phone = "";
        $c_name = $_POST['c_name'];
        $c_phone = $_POST['c_phone'];
        $c_pic = $_FILES['c_pic']['name']; // Image file
            // submit target URL
            $url = 'http://site2.loc/handler.php';
            $fields = array(
            foreach($fields as $key=>$value) 
               $postvars.= $sep.urlencode($key).'='.urlencode($value); 
            //open connection
            $ch = curl_init();
            //set the url, number of POST vars, POST data
            //execute post
            $result = curl_exec($ch);
            if(curl_errno($ch)) {
                echo 'Error: ' . curl_error($ch);
            else {
                echo $result;
            //close connection
    echo '
    <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
        Name : <input type="text" name="c_name" value="'.$c_name.'" /> <br />
        Phone : <input type="text" name="c_phone" value="'.$c_phone.'" /> <br />
        Image : <input type="file" name="c_pic" /> <br />
        <input type="submit" />

    and handler.php in site2.loc like this:

    if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); }
        // CONNECT TO DB
        $db_con = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "root");// or die("Could not connect to db.");
        if(!mysql_select_db("site2",$db_con)) die("No database selected.");
        // POST
            $c_name = $_POST['field1'];
            $c_phone = $_POST['field2'];    
            $c_pic = $_POST['field3'];  
            // UPLOAD FILE
            /* UPLOAD IMAGE CODE HERE */
            // INSERT TO DB
            if(mysql_query("INSERT INTO kontak (nama, telpon) VALUES ('$c_name','$c_phone')")){
                echo "INSERT SUCCESS";
            } else {
                echo "INSERT FAILED";

    This script runs well for storing the data to the database, but can not for upload an image file. Can anybody help me modify scripts above in order to upload an image file?

    Thanks before.

    No code in this answer, just a work flow example that will bypass curl:

    1. User posts a form with the uploaded file to "site 1", as per normal.
    2. "site 1" processes the form and the uploaded file. The file is placed in a temp directory which is web accessible.
    3. On "site 1", once the uploaded file has been checked, make a file_get_contents('http://site2.loc/pullfile.php?f=filename&sec=checkcode') call. The contents of pullfile.php will do just that, pull the file from "site 1" to "site 2".
    4. The return from file_get_contents() can be checked for an error return from the "site 2" pullfile.php and on error, deal with it. No error, remove the temp file.
    5. The &sec=checkcode could be used to confirm the file has been uploaded successfully to "site 2". It could be an MD5 of the file or something else you come up with.

    Just an idea.

    Edit: Some sample code to help make things clearer, maybe :]

    // ---- Site 1, formprocess.php ----
    // Your form processing goes here, including
    // saving the uploaded file to a temp dir.
    // Once the uploaded file is checked for errors, 
    // you need move it to a known temp folder called 
    // 'tmp'.
    // this is the uploaded file name (which you would
    // have got from the processed form data in $_FILES
    // For this sample code, it is simple hard-coded.
    $site1File = 'test.jpg';
    $site1FileMd5 = md5_file('./tmp/'.$site1File);
    // now make a remote request to "site 2"
    $site2Result = file_get_contents('http://'.SITE_2_URL.'/pullfile.php?f='.$site1File.'&md5='.$site1FileMd5);
    if ($site2Result == 'done') {
    } else {
        echo '<p>
             Uploaded file failed to transfer to '.SITE_2_URL.'
              - but will be dealt with later.

    And this will be the 'pullfile.php' on site 2

    // ----- Site 2, pullfile.php -----
    // This script will pull a file from site 1 and
    // place it in '/uploaded'
    // used to cross-check the uploaded file
    $fileMd5 = $_GET['md5'];
    $fileName = basename($_GET['f']);
    // we need to pull the file from the './tmp/' dir on site 1
    $pulledFile = file_get_contents('http://'.SITE_1_URL.'/tmp/'.$fileName);
    // save that file to disk
    $result = file_put_contents('./uploaded/'.$fileName,$pulledFile);
    if (! $result) {
        echo 'Error: problem writing file to disk';
    $pulledMd5 = md5_file('./uploaded/'.$fileName);
    if ($pulledMd5 != $fileMd5) {
        echo 'Error: md5 mis-match';
    // At this point, everything should be right.
    // We pass back 'done' to site 1, so we know 
    // everything went smooth. This way, a 'blank'
    // return can be treated as an error too.
    echo 'done';