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更新时间:2023-01-08 12:15:32



公共字符串名称{get; set;}


列表< MyClass> lst = new List< MyClass>(); 
For(int I = O; I< books.Count; I = I + 2)
String name = books [I] .Value;
字符串状态=(I + 1)< books.Count?书籍[I + 1]。价值:;
MyClass obj = new MyClass();
Obj.Name = name;
Obj.Status =状态;



Hi Folks,

Would appreciate if you can help me out in my query below. I want to add values of consecutive list items into another object and retun a list of this object.

var books = db.Books.Where(x => x.MembershipId == membershipId).ToList().orderBy(x=> x.BookName);

The above returns the following list items 

books[0] :  BookName: MyBookName1
            BookType: New Book
            Value   : Value1

books[1] :  BookName: MyBookName2
            BookType: New Book2
            Value   : Value2

books[2] :  BookName: MyBookName3
            BookType: old Book 3
            Value   : Value3

books[3] :  BookName: MyBookName 4
            BookType: New book 4
            Value   : Value4

I would like to store consecutive list values in 'Value' into another object like 

MyObject.Name   : Value1 (from books[0])
MyObject.Status : Value2 (from books[1])

MyObject.Name  : Value3   (from books[3])
MyObject.Status: Value4   (from books[4])

And eventually i would like to return a list of the new object ie.

Myobject[0] :  Name : Value1
               Status : Value2

MyObject[1] :  Name : Value3
               Status: Value4 

Any pointers would be appreciated. Many thanks for your help.

What I have tried:

Not yet attempted to code. Any pointers would be appreciated.

Try this

Create a class with 2 property
Public class MyClass
Public string Name {get; set;}
Public string Status {get; set;}

Iterate the books list (with increment of 2 )to store the Value property in Name and Status as below

List<MyClass> lst = new List<MyClass>();
For( int I =O; I< books.Count; I=I+2)
  String name = books [I].Value;
  String Status= (I+1) < books.Count ? Books[I+1].Value : "";
MyClass obj = new MyClass ();
Obj.Name = name;
Obj.Status = Status;

Return lst;

I haven't compiled this code, take care of Typo, posted through Mobile