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Sublime Text 2:如何将光标定位在缓冲区的开始/结尾?

更新时间:2022-05-21 02:10:28

这些对我有用(OS X 10.7.5上的Sublime Text 2 v2.0.1)

These work for me (Sublime Text 2 v2.0.1 on OS X 10.7.5)

  • ⌘-↑:缓冲区的开始
  • ⌘-↓:缓冲区结尾
  • ⌘-↑: start of buffer
  • ⌘-↓: end of buffer

CMD上和下组合键是移动到OS X上文本缓冲区的开头和结尾的默认快捷方式.例如,它们也可以在Safari文本区域中使用.因此,它们不会在键盘映射文件中列出.

The CMD-up and -down combos are the default shortcut for moving to the start and end of text buffers on OS X. They work in Safari text areas, too, for example. As such, they are not listed in the keymap file.