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使用Azure AD进行Prem AD还原

更新时间:2023-01-08 21:37:49

否,同步是单向过程,* from *是本地部署到Azure AD.就是说,不需要推翻"图钉.任何情况下,如果没有本地AD,云对象将可以继续正常运行,至多您可能只需要重置几个密码即可.

No, sync is one-way process, *from* on-premises to Azure AD. That said, there is no need to "nuke" anything, the cloud objects will continue working just fine without on-premises AD, at most you might have to reset few passwords.

一旦重建本地AD,就可以通过Graph API或PowerShell导出用户及其属性的列表,然后使用它来填充AD并匹配".新创建的本地用户与云用户.

Once you rebuild the local AD, you can export a list of your users and their properties via the Graph API or PowerShell, then use it to populate AD and "match" the newly created on-premises users against the cloud ones.