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IOS 8 静默推送通知在没有 Xcode 的情况下不起作用

更新时间:2023-01-09 21:38:56

似乎您在从服务器端与 APN 交互时使用了调试证书.它仅在设备处于调试模式时有效.

Seems like you are using Debug certificate while interacting with APNs from the server side. And it only works while a device is in the debug mode.


For untethered push notification handling, you need to use Release certificate.

这篇文章可以更好地理解如何使用带有 APNs 的证书:https://quickblox.com/developers/How_to_create_APNS_certificates

This article would give a better understanding on using certificates with APNs: https://quickblox.com/developers/How_to_create_APNS_certificates