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更新时间:2023-01-11 12:33:32



如果您不能使用标签,那么您需要使用Itextsharps PDF压模功能将图像/文本添加到PDF中,然后使用.SetAbsolutePosition打开,将您要放置的内容定位到文档的正确位置。


c# - ITextSharp将文本插入到现有的pdf - Stack Overflow [ ^ ]

Google [ ^ ]

iTextSharp &安培;#8212;很少有C#的例子。 |简单的.Net解决方案 [ ^ ]

Without more details the way you should do this is use placeholder labels in your PDF so that way you can search the text for those labels.

The labels you add to your PDF would be white as to not be seen when the PDF is printed.

If you cannot use labels then you need to use Itextsharps PDF stamper functionality to add image/text to your PDF and then use .SetAbsolutePosition on to position what it is you are trying to place into the correct spot on your document.

Here are some links to better guide you. There are tons of things on itextsharp and given the little amount about your issue that you described, what you are doing has been done by plenty others so a google search will return tons of results for what you need to do.

c# - ITextSharp insert text to an existing pdf - Stack Overflow[^]


iTextSharp — few C# examples. | Simple .Net Solutions[^]

If you would like to give your problem a shot and then come back with some code samples and clearly define your issue, I am sure you will get better assistance.