
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-01-12 22:18:01

最简单的解决方案是简单地对数组进行排序(如果你可以使用它们,使用标准实现需要 O(n log n).否则考虑做一个简单的随机化快速排序(代码甚至在***上)).

The easiest solution will be to simply sort the array (takes O(n log n) with standard implementation if you may use them. otherwise consider making an easy randomized quicksort (code is even on wikipedia)).


Afterwards scan it for one additional time. During that scan simple eliminate consecutive identical elements.

如果你想在 O(n) 中完成,你也可以使用 HashSet 和你已经见过的元素.只需遍历您的数组一次,检查每个元素是否在您的 HashSet 中.

If you want to do it in O(n), you can also use a HashSet with elements you have already seen. Just iterate once over your array, for each element check if it is in your HashSet.


If it isn't in there, add it. If it is in there, remove it from the array.


Note, that this will take some additional memory and the hashing will have a constant factor that contributes to your runtime. Althought the time complexity is better, the practical runtime will only be onyl be faster once you exceed a certain array size