
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-01-12 23:05:55


I'm assuming that the service you are using is performing client SSL authentication.

由于添加服务引用失败,你可以使用 SvcUtil工具生成WSDL文件客户端,你有。我觉得语法会是这样的:

Since add service reference is failing, you can use svcutil to generate the client from the WSDL file that you have. I think the syntax would be something like:

svcutil *.wsdl /l:C# /out:Reference.cs /config /s /ct:System.Collections.Generic.List`1 /ser:Auto /tcv:Version35 /n:*,<NameOfYourNamespaceHere> /edb


This will generate a file, Reference.cs, that contains the proxy classes to the service (you can give this file whatever name you want). Add this file to your project. A config file, output.config, will also be generated. You can add this configuration to your application configuration instead of typing it all in by hand.


Now you can follow this MSDN article on using Transport Security with Certificate Authentication. You can skip down to the client section where it shows how to attach the certificate to the request in code as well as in configuration.
