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tqdm - PyCharm 中带有嵌套 for 循环的多个进度条

更新时间:2023-01-13 09:54:58


  1. 转到编辑配置".单击正在使用的运行/调试配置.应该有一个选项在输出控制台中模拟终端".检查那个.添加图片以供参考.

  1. Go to "Edit configurations". Click on the run/debug configuration that is being used. There should be an option "Emulate terminal in output console". Check that. Image added for reference.

position 参数一起,还设置 leave 参数.代码应如下所示.我添加了 ncols 以便进度条不会占据整个控制台.

Along with the position argument also set the leave argument. The code should look like this. I have added ncols so that the progress bar doesn't take up whole of the console.

from tqdm import tqdm
import time

for i in tqdm(range(5), position=0, desc="i", leave=False, colour='green', ncols=80):
    for j in tqdm(range(10), position=1, desc="j", leave=False, colour='red', ncols=80):


When the code is now run, the output of the console is as shown below.

i:  20%|████████▍                                 | 1/5 [00:05<00:20,  5.10s/it]
j:  60%|████████████████████████▌                | 6/10 [00:03<00:02,  1.95it/s]
