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如何在Jackson JSON(反序列化)中自定义序列化或转换具有自定义键类型的Map属性?

更新时间:2023-01-16 08:40:49


The problem here is that when you use Map.Entry the key has to be a string, because it gets serialized like {"key": value}.



Your first option if you can serialize your object as string you can use it as the json key.


This is posible in two cases, when the object contains a single field (like the one in your example). e.g.

new SingleFieldObject(2l) // can be serialized as "2"


Or when constains multiple fields that can be represented as string. e.g.

new MultipleFieldObject("John", 23) // can be serialized as "John 23 Years Old"


Now that the custom object can be represented as string you could use either a map or a list of entries.


To use a simple map just use the attribute 'keyUsing' in the annotations, and also you have to define the custom serializer and deserializer.

public class MyKeyDeserializer extends KeyDeserializer {
    public Entity2 deserializeKey(String key,
                                  DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException {
        return new Entity2(Long.parseLong(key));

public class MyKeySerializer extends JsonSerializer<Entity2> {
    public void serialize(Entity2 value,
                          JsonGenerator gen,
                          SerializerProvider serializers) throws IOException {


Then you annotate the field with your serializer and deserializer:

@JsonSerialize(keyUsing = MyKeySerializer.class) // no need of converter
@JsonDeserialize(keyUsing = MyKeyDeserializer.class) // no need of converter
private Map<Entity2, Integer> valueMap = new HashMap<>();


Entity1 entity1 = new Entity1(1l);
Entity2 entity2_1 = new Entity2(2l);
Entity2 entity2_2 = new Entity2(3l);
entity1.getValueMap().put(entity2_1, 21);
entity1.getValueMap().put(entity2_2, 22);


A JSON like this is generated

    "id": 1,
    "valueMap": {
        "2": 21,
        "3": 22


To use a list you could use the converters in your example, but instead Entity2 you return a String for the key.

public class ValueMapListConverter 
    extends StdConverter<Map<Entity2, Integer>, List<Entry<String, Integer>>> {
    public List<Entry<String, Integer>> convert(Map<Entity2, Integer> value) {
        List<Entry<String, Integer>> result = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Entry<Entity2, Integer> entry : value.entrySet()) {
            result.add(new SimpleEntry<>(entry.getKey().getId().toString(), 
        return result;

public class ValueMapMapConverter 
    extends StdConverter<List<Entry<String, Integer>>, Map<Entity2, Integer>> {
    public Map<Entity2, Integer> convert(List<Entry<String, Integer>> value) {
        Map<Entity2, Integer> retValue = new HashMap<>();
        for(Entry<String, Integer> entry : value) {
            retValue.put(new Entity2(Long.parseLong(entry.getKey())), entry.getValue());
        return retValue;


A JSON like this is generated

    "id": 1,
    "valueMap": [
        { "2": 21 },
        { "3": 22 }


In both cases the value Integer could be a complex object.


Your second option is to use a custom object, again you have multiple options, one object that hold all the fields of the key and the field/fields of the value.

// ... serialization - deserialization of the object
public class CustomObject {
    private Long id; // ... all key fields
    private int value; // ... all value fields

然后使用转换器 public class ValueListMapConverter extends StdConverter<List<CustomObject>, Map<Entity2, Integer>>public class ValueMapMapConverter extends StdConverter<Map<Entity2, Integer>, List<CustomObject>>


This generates a JSON like this

    "id": 1,
    "valueMap": [
        { "id": 2, "value": 21 },
        { "id": 3, "value": 22 }


You could use a map instead a list and use a key, and the rest of the fields of the key object, together with the value fields in a custom object.

// ... serialization - deserialization of the object
public class CustomObject {
    // ... rest of the key fields
    private int value; // ... all value fields

转换器 public class ValueListMapConverter extends StdConverter<Map<Long, CustomObject>, Map<Entity2, Integer>>public class ValueMapMapConverter extends StdConverter<Map<Entity2, Integer>, Map<Long, CustomObject>>


This generates a JSON like this

    "id": 1,
    "valueMap": {
        "2": { "value": 21 },
        "3": { "value": 22 },