
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-01-17 07:37:50


I'd recommend JSON.net, as SBlackler did. I wrote up a test in C# based on your objects and the JSON object you posted and was able to build everything fine. Here's my code.

        List<items> Results = new List<items>();
        foreach (JToken Item in (JArray)JObject.Parse(json)["items"])
            Results.Add(new items()
                kind = Item["kind"].ToString(),
                product = new product()
                    inventories = new inventories()
                        price = Convert.ToDouble(Item["product"]["inventories"][0]["price"].ToString())


I'm a bit unsure of the structure of the json object, but inventories appears to be an array. Within the example you posted, it appeared that you were trying to get the "price" value of the first object inside that array, and my code does that. If there are multiple objects in the inventories array, you may want to adjust your objects and the code that populates them accordingly.


class items
    public product product { get; set; }
    public string kind { get; set; }

class product
    public inventories inventories { get; set; }

class inventories
    public double price { get; set; }


The above code assumes there will ALWAYS be at least one object in the inventories array and will only pull from the first one. Following is how you might want to reconstruct the code should there be multiple objects in the inventories array.

    List<item> Results = new List<item>();
    foreach (JToken Item in (JArray)JObject.Parse(json)["items"])
        item CurrentItem = new item()
            kind = Item["kind"].ToString(),
            product = new product()
        foreach (JToken inventory in (JArray)Item["product"]["inventories"])
            CurrentItem.product.inventories.Add(new inventory()
                price = Convert.ToDouble(inventory["price"].ToString())


class item
    public product product { get; set; }
    public string kind { get; set; }

class product
    public List<inventory> inventories { get; set; }

    public product()
        inventories = new List<inventory>();

class inventory
    public double price { get; set; }


I hope this solves what you were looking for. Good luck!