
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-01-17 14:11:56


这是一个古老的答案,这个问题甚至更老了.您不应该 永远 使用正则表达式解析JSON-解决方案过于脆弱,容易被随机破坏.正确的方法是解析整个JSON字符串,然后使用代码将字符串值转换为数字,例如parseInt(jsonData.data.userID).

This is an old answer, and the question is even older. You shouldn't ever be parsing JSON with regular expressions - it's too brittle of a solution, and is liable to break at random. The right way to do this is to parse the entire JSON string, then use code to convert string values to numbers, e.g. parseInt(jsonData.data.userID).


An even better way to do it is to fix it on your back-end so your client doesn't have to do this.


Here's the regex to wrap all integers with quotes. If you wanted to do this only for long strings, change + to {9,} (or any int).

var json = ('{"data":{"username":"Brad","userID":941022167561310208,"location":"London","test":"3908349804","test2":"This already exists in 034093049034 quotes"},"list":[3409823408,3409823408,"A list 234908234"]}');
json = json.replace(/([\[:])?(\d+)([,\}\]])/g, "$1\"$2\"$3");
json = JSON.parse(json);

请参阅示例: http://jsfiddle.net/remus/6YMYT/


Edit Updated to accommodate lists as well.

以下是正在使用的正则表达式: http://regex101.com/r/qJ3mD2

Here's the regex in action: http://regex101.com/r/qJ3mD2