
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-05-23 03:08:44

为此,您需要创建自己的自定义适配器.在 getView 方法(返回要为每个列表项显示的视图)中,将您想要的颜色应用于 TextView 的背景.customAdapters 很酷的一点是你可以做任何事情,并为你的列表项显示更复杂的视图,因为你不再局限于 TextViews,你可以将你的列表项 XML 布局更改为任何类型的视图/布局...

To do so, you will need to create your own custom adapter. In the getView method (which returns the View to display for each list item), apply the color you want to your TextView's background. The cool thing about customAdapters is that you can do absolutely anything, and display much more complicated Views for your list items, because you are not restricted to TextViews anymore, you can change your list item XML layout to any kind of View/Layout...



public class MyAdapter extends BaseAdapter{
    private LayoutInflater inflater;
    private ArrayList<String> data;

    public MyAdapter(Context context, ArrayList<String> data){
    // Caches the LayoutInflater for quicker use
    this.inflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);
    // Sets the events data
    this.data= data;

    public int getCount() {
        return this.data.size();

    public String getItem(int position) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException{
        return this.data.get(position);

    public long getItemId(int position) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException{
        if(position < getCount() && position >= 0 ){
            return position;

    public int getViewTypeCount(){
        return 1;

    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent){
        String myText = getItem(position);           

        if(convertView == null){ // If the View is not cached
            // Inflates the Common View from XML file
            convertView = this.inflater.inflate(R.id.my_row_layout, null);

        // Select your color and apply it to your textview
        int myColor;
        if(myText.substring(0, 1) == "a"){
            myColor = Color.BLACK;

        // Of course you will need to set the same ID in your item list XML layout.

        return convertView;


and then in your activity set the adapter like this:

public class Main extends Activity {
    /** Called when the activity is first created. */
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        List<String> words = populateList();
        List<String> l = removeDoubles(words);

        ListView lv = (ListView)findViewById(R.id.listview);

        MyAdapter adapter = new MyAdapter(getApplicationContext(), l);


        lv.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {

            public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> arg0, View arg1, int arg2, long arg3) {
