
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-01-19 08:57:57


providers are a really good tool to update your widget tree without calling the setstate method it work in tree part.
the ChangeNotifier class :


in this class you can handle any logic of your app,in your case is sending request managing the data response.

ChangeNotifier构造函数provider widget:

The ChangeNotifier constructor provider widget:


this is where you will initialize your change notifier class it should be upper in your widget tree, so child which depends of your logic code (Change notifier) get notified when some logic is done.

如何收听更改Consumer widget and provider.of<ChangeNotifierClass>(context):

How to listen to changes Consumer widget and provider.of<ChangeNotifierClass>(context):


these widget listen to notifyListeners() call inside your change notifier class so each time logic runs all the child widget which are listening to your ChangeNotifier the build method will run (so its basicly like calling setstate).


So for your question you just need to implement the logic around your request building your lists from json data and stuff... . than running notifylisteners to display and new state of your widgets which are interest in that data .
For me it was pretty hard to accept such logic but after done that one time i clearly saw that fit pretty well with flutter , and for more help you can check the bloc-pattern architecture .
hope it helped you good luck .