
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-01-19 13:13:14


  field_name = funct()
params = {field_name +'__lte':arg1,#field_name应该还包含字符串

位置=位置.objects.filter(** params)

#与(假定为field_name ='some_name')相同:
#Locations.objects.filter(some_name__lte = arg1,some_other_field_name = arg2)

I'd like to call a query with a field name filter that I wont know before run time... Not sure how to construct the variable name ...Or maybe I am tired.

field_name = funct()
locations = Locations.objects.filter(field_name__lte=arg1)

where if funct() returns name would equal to

locations = Locations.objects.filter(name__lte=arg1)

Not sure how to do that ...

You can create a dictionary, set the parameters and pass this to the function by unpacking the dictionary as keyword arguments:

field_name = funct()
params = {field_name + '__lte': arg1,       # field_name should still contain string
          'some_other_field_name': arg2}

locations = Locations.objects.filter(**params)

# is the same as (assuming field_name = 'some_name'):
# Locations.objects.filter(some_name__lte=arg1, some_other_field_name=arg2)