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使用MS Access在Excel VBA中运行代码

更新时间:2023-01-19 19:30:31


I've put this code in the "ThisWorkbook" object in Excel:

Public Sub TestScript()

    Debug.Print "Hello"

End Sub


And then successfully called it from Access using a button on a form:

Private Sub cmdRunExcel_Click()

    Dim xl As Excel.Application
    Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

    xl.Visible = True

    xl.Workbooks.Open "C:/Your/FolderPath/And/FileName.xlsx", True, False

    xl.Run "ThisWorkbook.TestScript"

    Set xl = Nothing

End Sub

诚然,我没有给它很多运行的代码,但是这里的代码至少是在Excel上运行的,来自Excel ...这一定比尝试在上面运行代码更好.通过Access获得Excel.

Admittedly I've not given it a lot of code to run, but here the code is at least running on Excel, from Excel... which must be better than trying to run code on Excel from Access.

更新:查看是否可以通过对此进行测试来从Access to Excel创建模块(由于使用的是工作计算机,所以我无法对其进行正确的测试,并且似乎不允许我这样做)由于安全设置而运行这种类型的代码)

Update: See if you can create the module from Access to Excel by testing this (I can't test it properly because I'm using a work computer and it seems to be not letting me run this type of code due to security settings)

Private Sub cmdRunExcel_Click()

    Dim xl As Excel.Application
    Dim myWrkBk As Excel.Workbook
    Dim myModule As VBComponent
    Dim strVb As String

    Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

    xl.Visible = True

    xl.Workbooks.Open "C:/Your/FolderPath/And/FileName.xlsx", True, False

    Set myWrkBk = xl.Workbooks.Add
    Set myModule = myWrkBk.VBProject.VBComponents.Add(vbext_ct_StdModule)

    strVb = "Public Sub TestScript()" & vbCrLf _
          & "Debug.Print 'Hello'" _
          & "End Sub"

    myModule.CodeModule.AddFromString strVb

'    xl.Run "ThisWorkbook.TestScript"

    Set myModule = Nothing
    Set myWrkBk = Nothing
    Set xl = Nothing

End Sub