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删除SQL Server查询中的重复行

更新时间:2023-01-20 14:45:54

通过在PARTITION BY和ORDER BY子句中使用相同的字段,rn字段将始终等于1.

By using the same field in the PARTITION BY and ORDER BY clause, the rn field will always equal 1.

假设new_registration_no =代码且category = decs,则可以将ORDER BY字段更改为ORDER BY category DESC以获得该结果.但是,这是一个非常随意的ORDER BY-您只是将其基于随机文本值.我也不能100%地确定ROW_NUMBER()函数在CTE中的工作情况.

Assuming that new_registration_no = code and category = decs, you could change the ORDER BY field to be ORDER BY category DESC to get that result. However, that's a pretty arbitrary ORDER BY - you're just basing it on a random text value. I'm also not 100% sure how well the ROW_NUMBER() function works in a CTE.


A better solution might be something like:

        ROW_NUMBER() OVER 
            PARTITION BY New_Registration_No 
            ORDER BY 
                    WHEN Category = 'Re-Registration' THEN 1
                    WHEN Category = 'New' THEN 2
                    ELSE 3
                END ASC ) rn
    FROM Equipment_Registrations
  ) s
WHERE rn = 1


You can set the order in the CASE statement to be whatever you want - I'm afraid that without more information, that's the best solution I can offer you. If you have a known list of values that might appear in that field, it should be easy; if not, it will be a little harder to configure, but that will be based on business rules that you did not include in your original post.