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如何为Mac App创建助手应用程序以在用户登录时启动它?

更新时间:2023-01-26 11:54:59

+ (void)startHelper {
    NSURL *helperURL = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleURL] URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"Contents/Library/LoginItems/YourHelper.app" isDirectory:YES];
    OSStatus status = LSRegisterURL((CFURLRef)helperURL, YES);
    if (status != noErr) {
        NSLog(@"Failed to LSRegisterURL '%@': %jd", helperURL, (intmax_t)status);

    Boolean success = SMLoginItemSetEnabled(CFSTR("com.yourcompany.helper-CFBundleIdentifier-here"), YES);
    if (!success) {
        NSLog(@"Failed to start Helper");


Note that the Helper must be packaged with the main app in the "Contents/Library/LoginItems" directory. You will need to create it during the build and copy the helper there.