
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事

检测 wlan 是否关闭

更新时间:2023-01-27 11:34:45

如果您正在寻找非 8.1 Silverlight 解决方案:

If you're looking for a Non 8.1 Silverlight solution:

您可以使用 Windows.Networking.Connectivity 命名空间来查询.

You can use the Windows.Networking.Connectivity namespace to query this.

MSDN 网络信息类


bool is_wifi_enabled = false;
Guid adapter_id = new Guid();

// get the list of connection profiles
// we need the adpater id for the wifi
foreach (var item in NetworkInformation.GetConnectionProfiles())

    // check if wifi
    if (item.IsWlanConnectionProfile)
        // tag the adapter
        adapter_id = item.NetworkAdapter.NetworkAdapterId;

// get all lan adapters (this most likely will be empty if wlan is disabled)
foreach (var item in NetworkInformation.GetLanIdentifiers())
    if (item.NetworkAdapterId == adapter_id)
        is_wifi_enabled = true;