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更新时间:2023-01-27 23:40:49


 (defun toggle-comment-on-line()

I know there's already an Emacs question on this, and that it was closed, but I find it quite relevant and important.

Basically, I want to comment/uncomment the current line. I was expecting this to be fairly easy with a macro, but I found that it really isn't.

If the current line is commented, uncomment. If it is uncommented, comment it. And I would also to comment out the whole line, not just from cursor position.

I tried a macro like this:



But this only work to comment a line, not to uncomment it, if it's already commented.

I'm not sure of how easy it is, but if there's some way, I'd really like it.

Also, the reason I love this idea so much is that when I used Geany, I just used C-e and it was perfect.

Try this function, and bind to your favorite key:

(defun toggle-comment-on-line ()
  "comment or uncomment current line"
  (comment-or-uncomment-region (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position)))