
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-01-28 12:02:03

cellfun期望单元格数组作为函数的输入.您有一个数字数组,因此请使用 arrayfun .您也不会在数组中的每个元素上输出标量,因此您需要将UniformOutput标志设置为0.最后,使用colon运算符执行所需的操作,而不是矩阵乘法.不幸的是,输出将是单元格的行向量,因此,如果您绝对需要列向量(如您在帖子中所显示的那样),请转置输出:

cellfun expects a cell array as the input into the function. You have a numeric array so use arrayfun instead. You are also not outputting a scalar per element in the array so you need to set the UniformOutput flag to 0. Finally, use the colon operator to do what you need instead of matrix multiplication. The output will unfortunately be a row vector of cells so if you absolutely need a column vector such as what you have shown in your post, transpose the output:

A = [5 3 8 7 0 4 1];
B = 10;
C = arrayfun(@(x) B*(1:x), A, 'UniformOutput', 0).';


Take note that the anonymous function declared as the first input into arrayfun has lexical scope, meaning that any variables that were visible in the workspace before the anonymous function declaration is visible. You can just access that variable inside your function instead of having to manually feed it into arrayfun as a separate input.


>> format compact
>> celldisp(C)
C{1} =
    10    20    30    40    50
C{2} =
    10    20    30
C{3} =
    10    20    30    40    50    60    70    80
C{4} =
    10    20    30    40    50    60    70
C{5} =
C{6} =
    10    20    30    40
C{7} =