
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-05-18 03:20:39


Numpy arrays define a custom equality operator, i.e. they are objects that implement the __eq__ magic function. Accordingly, the == operator and all other functions/operators that rely on such an equality call this custom equality function.


Numpy's equality is based on element-wise comparison of arrays. Thus, in return you get another numpy array with boolean values. For instance:

x = np.array([1,2,3])
y = np.array([1,4,5])
x == y


array([ True, False, False], dtype=bool)

但是,将in运算符与 lists 结合使用时,要求相等比较仅返回单个布尔值.这就是错误要求allany的原因.例如:

However, the in operator in combination with lists requires equality comparisons that only return a single boolean value. This is the reason why the error asks for all or any. For instance:


返回True,因为结果数组的至少一个值为True. 相反

returns True because at least one value of the resulting array is True. In contrast



returns False because not all values of the resulting array are True.


So in your case, a way around the problem would be the following:

other_pairs = [p for p in points if all(any(p!=q) for q in max_pair)]

print other_pairs打印预期结果

[array([1, 6]), array([3, 7])]

为什么呢?好吧,我们从 points 中寻找一个 p 项,其中任何项与 all 项不相等 max_pair 中的项目 q .

Why so? Well, we look for an item p from points where any of its entries are unequal to the entries of all items q from max_pair.