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更新时间:2022-03-09 03:28:27


The error message can be reproduced like this:

import numpy as np
import scipy.integrate as integrate

xup = np.random.random(10)

def calka(x, OmM):
    return 1./math.sqrt(OmM*(1.+x)**3 + (1.-OmM))

# Passing a scalar value, 10, for the upper limit is fine:
integrate.quad(calka, 0., 10, args=(0.25,))
# (2.3520760256393554, 1.9064918795817483e-12)

# passing a vector, xup, raises a ValueError:
integrate.quad(calka, 0., xup, args=(0.25,))
# ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()

现在,在code,以Z 是一个数组:

z=np.array([float(t[0]) for t in data0])

以Z 被传递给

leastsq(residuals,(0.25, 70), args=(z, mu, dmu))

XUP 被分配值以Z

def residuals(p, xup,y,dmu):
    return ((y-xlambda(p,xup))/dmu)**2

xlambda XUP - 向量 - 直接传递到

Inside xlambda, xup -- the vector -- is passed directly to quad:

def xlambda(p,xup): 
    calka1 = quad(calka, 0., xup, args=(p[0]))[0]


Hence the ValueError.

presumably,你会想要 xlambda 来一次为 XUP 的每个值被调用。所以,你可以通过使用解决问题。

Presumably, you'd want xlambda to be called once for each value in xup. So you could fix the problem by using

def residuals(p, xup, y, dmu):
    xl = np.array([xlambda(p, x) for x in xup])
    return ((y-xl)/dmu)**2