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MySQL中的分层查询.(MySQL 的等价物连接)

更新时间:2022-04-30 03:20:31

MySQL 没有原生分层查询支持.

There is no native hierarchical query support in MySQL.

对于要遍历的有限数量的级别,我们可以编写查询来获取每个级别的结果,并将结果与​​ UNION ALL 运算符组合.

For a finite number of levels to be traversed, we can write queries that get result for each level, and combine the results with a UNION ALL operator.

或者,我们可以编写一个 MySQL 存储程序(过程)以实现更递归的方法.

Or, we can write a MySQL stored program (procedure) for a more recursive approach.

作为使用原生 SQL 查询的方法示例:

As an example of approach using a native SQL query:

 SELECT t0.comp_code
   FROM tb_corp t0
  WHERE t0.mgr_emp_no = 111


SELECT t1.comp_code
  FROM tb_corp t0
  JOIN tb_corp t1 ON t1.incharge_comp_code = t0.comp_code
 WHERE t0.mgr_emp_no = 111


SELECT t2.comp_code
  FROM tb_corp t0
  JOIN tb_corp t1 ON t1.incharge_comp_code = t0.comp_code
  JOIN tb_corp t2 ON t2.incharge_comp_code = t1.comp_code
 WHERE t0.mgr_emp_no = 111


SELECT t3.comp_code
  FROM tb_corp t0
  JOIN tb_corp t1 ON t1.incharge_comp_code = t0.comp_code
  JOIN tb_corp t2 ON t2.incharge_comp_code = t1.comp_code
  JOIN tb_corp t3 ON t3.incharge_comp_code = t2.comp_code
 WHERE t0.mgr_emp_no = 111

等等.这种方法可以扩展到 t4, t5, t6, ... 到一些(合理的)有限数量的级别.

etc. This approach can be extended to t4, t5, t6, ... down to some (reasonable) finite number of levels.

对于更递归的方法,可以编写一个 MySQL 存储程序(PROCEDURE).

For a more recursive approach, a MySQL stored program (PROCEDURE) can be written.